Overall ranking

  • The rating system of the NRW Uni-Laufcup corresponds to a Grand Prix rating system.
  • Whoever has the most points from 3 stages at the end also wins the NRW Uni-Laufcup. For a total of 4 possible stages, a strings result is possible. Participation in the final round in Aachen is compulsory, but can also be chosen as a string score.
  • For each stage, the points are awarded as follows:

1st place > 20 points
2nd place > 18 points
3rd place > 16 points
4th place > 14 points
5th place > 12 points
6th place > 10 points
7th place > 9 points
8th place > 8 points
9. place > 7 points

In each case, each team will receive a point of value for participation in a stage. The points of all stages are added at the end.

  • If the points are equal, the place points of the stages included in the overall standings are added. The team with the lower number of points placed ahead. If no decision can be made on the sum of the places, there is an equal score.